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OAC and Altai HOK Back Country Skis end of Winter Rental Gear Sale

We have a limited selection of used rental skin skis from OAC and Altai for sale. Skis will be available for pickup at the end of March.

If you would like to book your skis please give us a call at 705 646 0492. A $150 deposit will secure your pair.

Deposit is non refundable but can be converted into a store credit.

This is a list of available skis:

BrandSki sizeSale priceAvailable
OACWAP 129$375 Sold
OACWAP 129$375 Sold
OACKAR 147$375 Sold
OACGT 137 Junior$300 Sold
OACGT 160$400 Sold
Altai 145 cm$300 Sold
Altai125 cm$300 Call
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